Thursday, June 8, 2023

OHW Battle Report 03: I Want to Speak to the Manager!


Once Dumar was shipped back safely to his Megayatch, Ra’as ul-Assad, Regina could finally concentrate on the crisis at hand.  Haqqislam High Command had been disconcertingly distant, giving each on-site Commander freedom to help New Hypatia Authorities to regain control of their city’s if help was requested. 

An encrypted message form the Muhafiz Intelligence Department directed a large chunk of Haqqislam forces to crack down Submundo activity in Akhua Leisure District; a tall order, given that Brutus was gaining traction with the Mercenaries. 

There were also Yu Jing-based reports of a Megalobster infestation on the docks, which convinced Regina to stay clear of that nightmare if possible.

The crux of the matter was Brutus.  As long as he had control of New Hypatia defenses, and the resources to hire so many Mercenaries, it was going to be impossible to end the conflict swiftly.

Regina decided the best course of action was to shut down Caligo Hexadome, to disrupt Brutus’ coordination with the Mercenaries and Local Military.  But an urgent call from RTF Command changed her plans on the spot.

“There’s a hostage situation on Chalsis Virtual Theme Park,” said Commander Rigel on the holoscreen of the Wrecking Belles’ MSMC Dropship.  “You are the closest unit available.  Save the hostages and neutralize any hostiles!”

The MSMC dropship made good of its name (Maximum Speed Minimum Comfort) and in short notice, The Wrecking Belles were on site.


“Is that Neovarleria?” asked Obliterette.

“Neo-what-now?” said Scarlet Tanager.

“Neovarleria!  Home of the second smartest man in the Human Sphere, the greatest villain of all time, Regent Ruin!”

“Cartoon character from Wonder Entertainment,” said Doc Starlight, to Scarlet Tanager’s utter confusion.  “Enemy of the Phenomenal Five, The Retributors and Steel Phalanx.  He once outsmarted The Farsider and stole his powers.”

“Essentially becoming a god!  But he then gave them back because they would make conquering the Human Sphere too easy.”

“You guys are worse than Dumar!” replied Scarlet Tanager pinching the bridge of her nose.  “Send the Rafiq to disable the central IED.  Doc, Charm, we’re taking the one on the left.  Kyoko, Delara, take the one on the right.   Blit…”

Obliterette looked like a five-year old girl Christmas morning.

“Go have fun,” finished Scarlet Tanager with a defeated smile.

“What happened?” asked Scarlet Tanager upon hearing the exchange of shots coming from the central tower.

“A Ruinbot has pinned the Rafiq,” said Battle Charmer.

“A what?” asked Scarlet Tanager getting annoyed at not understanding what her friends were talking about.

“Regent Ruin’s automata,” explained Battle Charmer.  “Combat LHosts with limited AI, but better than our Rems.  In canon, they are as capable as-”

“For fuck’s sake, we have hostages to save!”

Battle Charmer dropped to one knee and examined the IED in front of her. 

“Don’t worry,” she said melodiously to the panicking hostages bound to the incendiary explosive device.  “We will deactivate this and free you in no time.”

She then began probing its Quantronic programing but stopped short when the IED buzzed as if she had given a wrong answer in a game show.


Both Scarlet Tanager and Battle Charmer cut the bindings of the hostages and helped them move as far away from the IED as possible.  Fortunately, the device did not explode.

“I’ll go help the Rafiq,” said Doc Starlight heading into the central tower.


 The Rafiq was finally able to work on the IED, but just like Battle Charmer, only made the IED buzz and everyone to panic even more.


Scarlet Tanager: “Everyone out!  Move!  Move!

“Tanager-san, there is movement through the midfield.  Heavy Infantry fireteam!” said Kyoko.

“Find defensive positions and stand by,” replied Scarlet Tanager to everyone.

“I see Regent Ruin,” came Obliterette’s voice on Scarlet Tanager’s Comlog.

“Take him out,”

And live your Nerdy fantasy, said Scarlet Tanager to herself. 

Obliterette infiltrated stealthily all the way to the unmistakable Recreation, who looked as if he had jumped out of a holoscreen.  Regal hooded green robes over a PanOceanian styled Power Armor.  The hood concealing the trademark skull-faced helmet.

 Without even looking, Regent Ruin shot his built-in Multi-Rifle, hitting Obliterette squarely in her shoulder.

“You move like an enhanced individual, Nahab, perhaps?” said Regent Ruin in a booming yet sophisticated voice.

“I expected no less from the Legendary Regent Ruin!” said Obliterette geeking out.

“Flattery will get you nowhere, child,”

“Then let my blade do the talking!”


Regent Ruin opened the palm of his gauntlet and a concussive blast hit Obliterette square in the Solar Plexus, sending her flying into the wall behind her.

He then stepped forward and raised her by her hair to his eye-level.

“I expected more form the infamous Obliterette.”

And before Obliterette could faint from the emotion of being recognized, she was knocked out by a second concussive blast to the face.

On the other side, the armored fireteam moved forward.  Tilda, the Ghulam NCO launched a smoke grenade to obscure Doc Starlight’s positioning.


Scarlet Tanager and Kyoko both climbed into the roof of the thrift shop that separated the Ruinbots fireteam from the Wrecking Belles, both opening fire on the bunched-up group, getting two of the members down, but getting shot themselves, forcing them to take cover.

The Ruinbots took one of the hostages and left without any explanation.


“You won’t stop Regent Ruin,” said the Regent Ruin Fan Hacker cackling maniacally.  “I have freed him of his constrains.  He will take over the Human Sphere and guide it the way Aleph could never do!”

“Send her to O12.  Let them deal with the nutjob.”

Scarlet Tanager reported back to Commander Rigel.  Even thought they had saved most of the hostages; Obliterette, Battle Charmer and Kyoko were wounded and on their way to the Med Bay; and the Recreation of Regent Ruin and his Ruinbots were nowhere to be found.


Final score:

Ramah Taskforce:   5

Military Orders: 3

A most interesting mission.  I can’t believe that both times I tried to deactivate the IEDs I failed the rolls.  Which is why I didn’t reroll either of them.  I didn’t feel that lucky.  And then I got three crits in one attack, which just cemented Terry Pratchett’s Theory that Lady Luck favors those who don’t seek her.

Regent Ruin is indeed a Captain Ersatz of Dr. Doom.  My opponent painted Inquisitor Mendoza as Dr Doom and his MO knights as Doombots.

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  Edda.   Outside Beltway 594. Right after getting wrecked by Nourkias and his Onix Contact Force. Obliterette limped into the battlef...