Zulqibar Station, HQ of Qapu Khalqi Fleet, was busier than ever. Traders, corporate representatives and independent weapons manufacturers crowded the otherwise luxurious halls of Sector 3.
Sitting on a shadowy corner, a lanky, bearded man, wearing an iridescent visor, dressed in black and purple robes with a contrasting oversized turban in neon pink, smoking from a neon-lit hookah. Across him sat cross legged, a stern looking young woman, with silky golden hair, wearing a skintight robin’s egg blue bodysuit and light brown ankle boots. Between them, sat a black container with the biohazard logo etched in green.
“Twelve hundred,” said Theresa, with the appearance of a cobra ready to strike.
“I told you, Habibi, I have kids to feed. Seventeen-thirty,” replied the man in the turban.
“You and I both know you don’t have children, Kabir. Thirteen-fifty.”
“Akrham saleswoman is around the corner. You can ask her for product.”
“Ok, ok, fifteen and I buy two,” said Theresa lowering her head in defeat.
Kabir produced a second box from inside his robes and placed it on top of the first one.
Theresa swiped her hand over Kabir’s open palm and her Geist informed her of the thirty-thousand Dinar transfer to Mongoose Biomedical.
“I should have a frequent shopper discount,” said Theresa picking up the boxes.
“Go, obliterate, Obliterette,” replied Kabir with a smile.
Kabir, The Mongoose, was famous for his viral ammo. His King Cobra mix was extremely safe in its inactive form; and had a very simple activation sequence that only took place when the vial was loaded on a viral weapon. This made it Theresa’s preferred choice, since she had to carry several vials during missions, for her wrist blade. Unfortunately, he only dealt on Zulqibar, and scalpers drove the price through the roof.
“Whoa, are you planning to start a war?” came the voice of Helena, taking Theresa out of her own thoughts.
“Once we’re in space, these are going to be harder to acquire,” said Theresa storing both boxes inside a half-full duffle bag.
“We won’t need those if we go back to Qapu Khalqi,” said Aurora joining the other two friends, carrying three ice-cold tamr hidi drinks.
“Nothing wrong with being prepared,” said Theresa accepting one of the drinks and taking a big gulp.
“I wonder how those negotiations are going,” said Theresa doing the same and quivering as the sour taste overcame her taste buds.
On the other side of the Sector, two equally unstoppable forces were locked in a contest of jurisdiction. Tariqa Barakat, Member of Haqqislam High Command, had the advantage of the home field and the backing of the Sultanate. Dr. Sam, Chief of Staff of the Metabolic Enhancement R&D Department of Garden Grove Medical Facility, had the combined might of the Al Medinat Caliphate and Ramah Taskforce on her side. The cause of animosity was the fact that Dr. Sam challenged Tariqa Barakat’s request to transfer the Wrecking Belles back to Qapu Khalqi.
“We spent millions of Dinars on rehabilitating and training them,” said Dr. Sam angrily. “Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get units on Ramah Taskforce levels of effectiveness?”
“I don’t deny they are exceptional, I’ve worked with them for years,” replied Tariqa Barakat. “But right now, Qapu Khalqi needs all available units. Now more than ever we need our Odalisques back.”
“They’re not Odalisques anymore! By the stars, Sheikha Regina here is an unstoppable beast with a resilience unheard of outside of the Sunur Supersoldier Program. No offense,” finished Dr Sam acknowledging Regina’s presence in the room.
“None taken,” replied Regina, who still hadn’t forgiven her so called friends for leaving her alone with these two volatile women. “Well, I´ve heard your arguments, for two hours, but I’ve already made a decision.”
Both Tarika Barakat and Dr. Sam were taken aback. The Amazonian brunette stood up from her seat, towering over both women. Her face was stern, which made her look as intimidating and formidable as they had been describing her for the past two hours.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, Dr. Sam, but all of Ramah Taskforce Operatives are volunteers, correct?”
“Y…yes, that’s the way it’s always been,” replied Dr. Sam unsure where Regina was getting at.
“And if my memory serves me, we were actually fired from Qapu Khalqi, right Sireen?”
“Against my will…” began Tariqa Barakat, but was forestalled by a dismissive wave of Regina’s hand.
“Ladies, I love and respect both of you,” said Regina placing a gentle hand on each of her interlocutors’ shoulders. “But I lost eighteen employees on three ships when the C8 Circulars were destroyed. That’s eighteen families I’m responsible for, as well as all my remaining employees.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” said Tariqa Barakat, swiftly joined by Dr Sam.
“Now, I’m a woman of my word. When we were offered to be trained by Ramah Taskforce, it was under the condition that they would have preference of our services. I intend to honor that agreement.”
“Thank you, Sheikha Regina,” said Dr. Sam bowing.
“However, my ships are my property,” continued Regina solemnly. “And since my three partners decided to leave me in charge, I will also agree to take Melek Reaction Force teams on every ship I have, and take them to their designated targets. This will include my personal ship, as long as it doesn’t clash with Ramah Taskforce assignments. Is that an agreeable compromise?”
Both women looked at each other and nodded. It was the best for both parties, with Regina’s willing cooperation.
“Now, tell me about these Quantum Anomaly Zones…”