Monday, May 29, 2023

The Wrecking Belles Files



Originally Odalisques from Qapu Khalqi's Anti-Contraband and Anti-Counterfeit Agency; the members of Unit Foxglove got a reputation for getting into trouble and causing incalculable collateral damage during their missions; earning the moniker "The Wrecking Belles."

While fighting against CINDER, a Locus of the Science-Terrorist Organization Equinox, The Wrecking Belles were accidentally exposed to an illegal bio-weapon.  It's interaction with their Subdermal Armor and Biosculpted Physiology enhanced their abilities to near Ramah Taskforce Super Soldier levels.

Given the scarcity of these type of Operatives, they were transferred to Ramah Taskforce as soon as they recovered from the ordeal.  Renamed as "Task Force Wrecking Belles,"  the four former members of Unit Foxglove now travel all over the Human Sphere to protect it from those who abuse Science and Technology.

The Belles:

 Regina Berger:  This Amazonian beauty hails from Ariadna and joined the Haqqislam Nation via the Al Dagher family, when she married Sheik Dumar Al Dagher. Despite being an Atek, she has adapted rather well to Haqqislam life and there are stories of her inhuman durability even before the accident.

She's the unofficial leader of the group and employs the other three members when they venture into the Private Sector. She's the owner of Honey Badger Solutions, a Qapu Khalqi subsidiary.


 Theresa Maxwell:  Born in the void of space, this child of the Caravnasaries earned her nickname due to her deadly accuracy with a Spitfire. After the accident, however, her reflexes have become so sharp, she's considered one of the deadliest hand-to-hand combatant in the Human Sphere.

In her civilian life, she's Regina Berger's driver and personal bodyguard; a role she also tries to apply when they are on official missions.



Helena Slater:  Born in Bakunin, she was relocated to Bourak when she became a Whistleblower escaping from CINDER.  Thanks to her cooperation with the Hassassin Society, she was given a much younger LHost; and was granted a Scholarship to enter the Odalisques Academy.

She is an accomplished Medical Doctor, but with her new Haqqislam identity, she no longer practices Medicine; unless it's to save her teammates in dire straits.

Aurora Numina:  The youngest daughter of Maya Star Rebelle, she became a Haqqislam Citizen when her family converted to Islam and moved from Acontecimento to Bourak. This alluring beauty has a mesmerizing voice and tends to keep a cool head even in the direst of situations. But she's not only a pretty face, her Academy scores were always top of the class and she still enjoys learning new skills.

Recently she took on Hacking and has become very proficient; being MVP in several missions that required Quantronic control of the battlefield.

 Non-Belles Operatives:

Operative Valentine

Teri Valentine is a Husam Spec-Op, the commanding office of Task Force Wrecking Belles, and their liaison with Hassassin Barham.


Delara "Fox Hunter" Reza

Mercenary that works with the Wrecking Belles as Motorized Recon Unit.  She was part of the Nayib Super Soldier Program, but never made the cut to become a Nahab.  She's always followed by her MUGEI (Military Unit of Genetically Enhanced Iintelligence)  Cat "Baguette."

 Kyoko Konno

The last Ninja of the Konno Clan, she is honor-bound to Regina Berger after Regina's company saved thousands of Japanese lives evacuating them during the JSA Uprising.  She works for Task Force Wrecking Belles as a Beasthunter.

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