Monday, October 16, 2023

Campaign Shattergrounds: 01 Equinox Rising

Hello Martial Enthusiasts and welcome to MedEvac!  After having to take a log route to Concilium Prima, Task Force Wrecking Belles has managed to make planetfall on Bhai, assisting Waqf al-Badawi in its humanitarian aid efforts.


Taking a small team to venture into the more mutated section of the Bhai QAZ; the Wrecking Belles were sent to reactivate a small outpost that had been offline after the first effects of the QAZ. 

It didn’t take long for the Belles to find opposition.  A small, but heavily armed contingent of Bakunin’s Observance seemed to be interested in the same outpost.

They started by dropping a White Noise wall, rendering Doc Starlight blind to whatever they were planning.  This was a very worrisome situation.  It showed that the Observance had managed to analyze and strategize against the Wrecking Belles with ease. 

 It was then that I suspected something was not right.  A Reverend Healer communicated with Scarlet Tanager and addressed her by her name!  These Reverends knew the Wrecking Belles! 

At this point I started looking frantically all over my archives, because I didn’t have a single confrontation of the Wrecking Belles against Bakunin, much less an Observance strike team.

 As soon as the White Noise lifted, Doc Starlight managed to identify for us their enemy.


Our intrepid Geist discovered that CINDER is an Adult Entertainment Company operating mostly on Arachne.  The connection with the Wrecking Belles comes from last year’s scandal when it was made public that Regina Berger, AKA Scarlet Tanager, had been moonlighting as the Strip-Fighter Apple Pie.   

At that time, her PR Agents reported that she had been kidnapped, drugged and coerced into those matches.  But there was no evidence to back up those claims.

But wait a minute.  Why would the Hassassin Barham deal with CINDER in Durgama?  That doesn’t make sense…





That makes perfect sense!  The Wrecking Belles are on their trail and they kidnap their most prominent Operative to later blackmail her!

And knowing Scarlet Tanager, she would never yield!  That’s why they released those videos and compromising picture galleries!

And if they are Equinox, then mentally manipulating Scarlet Tanager would not only be farfetched, but a real possibility!

And since these heroic Ramah Taskforce supersoldiers are in the middle of an ongoing investigation into an enemy that tends to remain concealed…



Man, I’m good at this!


And they have been calling Doc Starlight “traitor!”  Is it just because she was born on Bakunin and later naturalized to Haqqislam?  Or could it be that the lovely Doc has a dark, secret past?

More questions to investigate! 


Interesting, my Geist has been working with my sources and they haven’t been able to find detailed information of Do Starlight’s life before being a Haqqislam Citizen.

The plot thickens!

 Impressively, Delara Reza, the Motorized Recon Unit of Taskforce Wrecking Belles took on a Chimera and her Pupniks; giving credence to her callsign: Fox Hunter.

Sadly, she did suffer a nasty wound; but word is she’s recovering at the Taskforce’s Ahaket Camp. 

 A Reverend Cenobyte armed with a Heavy Rocket Launcher took down Doc Starlight; who is also recovering form the Second- and Third-Degree burns.  Thanks to Haqqislam’s advanced medical treatment, and her superhuman physiology, she will be back in action soon.

Scarlet Tanager took care of the Cenobyte and activated the Comms Antenna.

Bhai made a deal with the Monstrucker Guild and Monstruckers have been assigned to assist teams heading into the QAZ.

The one assigned to Taskforce Wrecking Belles proved to be extremely dexterous despite his large frame, and glued an Aereal Deployed Meteor Zond before it could sabotage the second Comms Antenna. 

 The blonde angel, Oblitertte, made good of her name, dropping by and thrashing the immobilized Remote before anyone could use its repeater for shenanigans. 

 With both Antennas secured, Battle Charmer finally had time to investigate the outpost.  And her findings were nothing but shocking!

 Apparently, Equinox had been working on a bioweapon in a secret outpost; and had been syphoning power and equipment from Bhai outposts like the one the Wrecking Belles had been sent to bring back online.

The Wrecking Belles seem to have a lead, but their keeping things close to the chest.

One thing’s for certain, the QAZs are a complication no one could predict.  And who knows what monstrosity could be unleashed if a bioweapon is mutated by the QAZ’s random effects.

This is BiotechVera saying,

Stay healthy.  Stay alive!

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Campaign Shattergrounds: 03 Escape from CINDER's Clutches

  Edda.   Outside Beltway 594. Right after getting wrecked by Nourkias and his Onix Contact Force. Obliterette limped into the battlef...